5 Replies

My daughter went through a phase just like this, and after reading a lot I decided to just go cold turkey. I took the Ipad away and locked it in a cupboard. I did it on the weekend, when I had a lot of time and we spent the whole day outdoors at the zoo, indoor play areas and with family. She was so busy that she did not miss the IPad. I then set up a very busy schedule -- which I have to say was a lot of hard work for both me and my husband. She cried for it on Monday and Tuesday and threw a big tantrum, but we did not give in. the crying lasted one week. Now three years later, she has fixed times at which she can play/work on Ipad. As for not wanting to play by herself -- she really needs to be able to do it. One way is to sit down to play with her -- building blocks, or drawing...start the activity with her and then step out for 5 minutes saying "you colour this, I will just go to the toilet and come back"...slowly slowly increase the time intervals you step out for. You will see that she will continue with the activity/game by herself. it takes time, and you have to be patient. Good luck!

Hi mummy! Getting her off the iPad is definitely tough - they have so many fun games and apps but you definitely want to make sure she isn't getting too much screen time. Set strict times for when she can use the iPad and stick to them! If you're feeling too impatient with her or she's throwing a tantrum, then either send her to her room or tell her that she will lose more screen time if she behaves badly. Hope that helps!

Not a mum nor a dad yet but i do have a 4 year old nephew who had a similar habit, and what my sister usually does is she finds time to play with my nephew and slowly he finds that doing these engaging activities are more interesting than the ipad. Other days he would initiate a play with my sister. So try your best the first step is always engagement :)

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What toys are there for her to play herself? Maybe she is bored with the toys she has?

VIP Member

encourage her by drawing or get her to draw something for you!

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