Idk about abortion but reading this entire chunk of stuffs just makes it contradicting and infuriating…. If you weigh in terms of financial, how can you compare condoms to abortion/baby’s fees. Like you mentioned you’re old enough to do things under your own consent then please tell your bf no protection no do. Simple. The hole is yours unless you’re talking about rape which is another thing. Please act responsibly… it’s a life you’re talking about. If you don’t do something about it, I’m pretty sure this is not the last time you’ll have to go through this.
ignore those toxic comments that dosent benefit your situation at the moment. u can go polyclinic for referral, and they will refer u to kkh to get abortion via medication. As for ur issues on your financial difficulties and relationships, i suggest you approach MSF for support and marital counseling. Taking care of a child is exhausting enough. cant imagine all these additional stress u are going thru. if u need someone to talk to, u may pm me
whats ur ig? i follow back
Hey. Life is so precious. I would encourage you to approach Alife and speak to them. There is this aLife Mothers' Assistance (ALMA) which help alleviate hardships faced by new mothers from low-income families with young or 'special needs' children, to ensure that these children do not go without basic sustenance in their crucial growing years.
my current child I'm able to support just this in my tummy but haven't grow into fetus just a week or 2 only.