Ruam bayi. Nak tye pada mommies semua.

Hi mommies semua. Nak tye, baby sye baru 3 bulan +, tp dia ada ruam susu di pipi, bawah dagu dan leher. Selalunya mmg lap pakai kain lembap yg bersih utk hilang kan ruam. Tp mak mertua bg petua suh letak lipstik dekat ruam. Tp tak lama kemudian ruam tu jd kuling kering, merah dan menggelupas. Dia jd berparut wrne putih dr kulit dia. Kenapa jd mcm tu ye? 😭😭

Ruam bayi. Nak tye pada mommies semua.
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Hi dear Firanis! Looking at the photo, your baby seems to be suffering from Milia spots on his/her chin area. Milia is usually due to build up of keratin (part of the skin) on the surface. In babies, it can happen on the chin area like on your baby, and usually they will go away on their own without any treatment. - Dr. Liew **disclaimer: our advice is not a substitute for an actual consultation with a doctor in a clinic. All information shared here is done under the capacity of health education.

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