sudden laughter

Hi mommies. So recently, my 2 yo boy started his random laughing for no apparent reason.. he'd either laughs after a blank stare or when he's looking outside the car window or house gate... Is it possible for a 2yo to hv just had a funny thought and laugh at it, or should i get him checked? P.s: i recently gave him an ipad for games and youtube, but only few hours daily. Could this be the cause?

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Hi mommy, cuba limit kan sejam saja sehari. Kalau anak dh blh ckp, tanya dia kenapa gelak. Mcm anak sy dulu, dia ada jugak gelak2 atau tiba2 takut ke apa.. Bila tnya, rupanya2 ada benda dia nmpak yg kita tak nmpak.. Bkn hantu tau.. 😂 Tp mcm spider ke... Atau dia teringat pape ke... Kalau kerap sgt tu maybe la kena tnya doktor.

Baca lagi

my nephew experienced the same thing when he was 3yrs old if im not mistaken. but that is because he is suspected as an autist..

5y ago

same goes to my nephew mom... but for more details, better refer to doctor if any others symptom exists.. maybe he can see something.. whatever it is, i hope everything is fine mom..