feeding intervals
Hi mommies if u are feeding breastmilk to lo, do u stick to a strict 3 hourly feedimg schedule or we can feed arnd 2 hours if baby is fussy/crying? I am currently feeding expressed bm to baby, 90ml per feed.

Noted u mention u r feeding expressed bm ie by bottle and not latching. In that case I think a flexible interval should work ie if normally 3 hrs, then can stick to it plus minus 15 min to half hour. If the bb consistently wants milk less than 3 hrly, then maybe shd revisit the amount u feed. But do check with the P.D. as well. That’s what i did.
Read moreBest to feed on demand. Can be as little as 1-1.5 hrs - 3 plus. Just follow babies’s queue and remember latching isn’t always about food, sometimes baby has other needs (comfort, security, etc.)
No need to stick to schedule. Feed on demand if possible. Breast milk is easily digestible and baby can get hungry faster.
I try to feed on 3h schedule but realize baby cannot wait most of the time so more of feeding on demand. Usually 2-3h.
Hey, It is best to feed baby on demand. That way the baby is also full and happy
Normally for breastfeeding babies, we feed on demand
Feed on demand.
Feed on demand
feed on demand
Feed on demand