Hi mommies, can you guys share with me if anyone happen to have bleeding on their pregnancy. How does it look like? Is it like period bleeding?

sy pernah bleeding masa week 8, masa tu dlm perjalan ke ipoh..masa kat toilet nk buang air kecil..tengok2 ada darah mcm darah period tu berlendir..ingt miscarriage..then terus ke hospital ipoh, di emergency diorang scan, jantung baby ada tapi blur.. so diorang refer ke EPAU (early pregnency unit).. scan ikut bawah..then confirm baby alhamdulillah sihat and okay..semuanya normal.bila tanya doc..dia cakap..mungkin bleeding sebab nak menempel tu jadi bleeding..
Baca lagii bleed everyday during my pregnancy until my 3rd trimester. sometimes the color was dark brown and red but most of the time i had black spotting! was really scared and panicked at first but doctors said my baby is just fine. i delivered her 3m ago and she's growing up healthy. Alhamdulillah
i have bleeding during my 31 week, i had diarrhoea a day before and when the next morning i went to pee and blood come out so i called the ambulance and i was already dilated 2cm. i gave birth to my preemie at 31 weeks. he's almost 2 years old now, healthy💙
Mine was like brown color spotting like that. Went to clinic doc said it might be threatened miscarriage so she prescribed me a medicine. Can't remember what's the name. After few weeks took it, no more bleeding.
saya pon threatened miscarriage last week. dr bgi mc 1 minggu n ubt duphaston. alhamdulillah no more bleeding.
if its like period bleeding means is threatened miscarriage. if the bleeding is little but with pain do go to hospital immediately.if u in doubt u still can go seek for medical attention.
Bleeding during pregnancy is not normal. U have to refer your doctor ASAP. My experienced, the bleeding occur when i pee. The colour same as period blood. 3days bleeding and miscarriage.
Masa pregnant I mmg bleeding. And selalu spotting. Dia macm darah period tapi sikit je sebesar duit 50sen. And bukan hari2 pun. Kalau risau better pg klinik/ hospital
Sy mcm sis.. dr 4w, skrg nak msuk 8w, dlm smggu ada 2-3kli spotting mcm tu, darah coklat mcm nak hbis haid. Tp perut x sakit pn. bla scan, baby ok.. cma tu la adal klua darah tu je, buat blh sy badmood, sedih😅 kdg2 nangis sorg2..
based on my experiences, kalau light/ brown spotting tu is implantation bleeding...tapi kalau darah pekat and non stop tu tanda misscarriage
Bleeding on my 6th weeks pregnancy due to infection. Yes looks like period. Go to gynae private clinic they on antibiotics and lucky the bleeding stop 😉
hai saya panik.. preg 8week, tadi pergi toilet buang air kecil. saya perasan masa nak bersih kan area tu, ada cairan darah tp sgt2 cair.. kenapa tu...
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