KKH cesarean section fully booked till May 2020?

Hi mommies, currently i m 36weeks pregnant and I went to kkh check up yesterday. i prefer cesarean section but doctor told me is fully book till May this year. but i insist to do cesarean section. what i can do now? or go for other hospital?

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During my 35 and 37 weeks checkup at kkh, doc told me no c-sert till after my edd date on 9th march. I was worried too, not sure how baby is going to come out since no csert date. In the end my water bag burst on 26/2 at 38 weeks and 2 days, and they did emergency c-sert. (because baby still in breech position) Actually even though they say no slot, if really need to, they will still go ahead and do it. Advise you to stay with kkh since you already at your 36 week...baby can pop out any time soon.. if not, do make sure that you can secure a csert date with other hospital first before you transfer.

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4y ago

Don't need to feel bad. All mummies want the best for our babies. As long as mummy is happy and baby come out safe and healthy, that is most impt!! Wishing you a smooth delivery 😃

Super Mum

Many elective surgeries have been limited or postponed in light of the current COVID-19 situation. If you’re only keen for elective Caesarean section, you will probably need to go to a private gynae:) The public hospitals will still continue to do emergency Caesarean sections that are required for medical reasons.

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4y ago

Thanks for your reply! Ok. Will discuss with my hubby. Thanks! :)

VIP Member

Try Mt Alvernia. Not as crazy expensive as some private hospitals can get. I rmb paying over 10k for csec at another hospital. Considered elective coz the surgery was booked the day before but it was due to medical complications that doctor advised to opt for csec.

4y ago

Thank you very much. Just end the conversation with my hubby that tmr we going to Mount Alvernia hospital! Then I saw ur reply. Haha! Thanks for your info! :)

U want to deliver in a good date so u choose c-sect is't?? U can go for private hospital.

VIP Member

Guess your only choice is go other hospital. Not much time left for you since already 36 weeks.

4y ago

Yes. I m get ready some of the private hospital info now. Bit ganjiong lol. Thanks for your reply :)

VIP Member

Cesarean should be available anytime as there are bound to be emergency situations

4y ago

Hmm.. Thanks. What if not emergency? Still can choose the date for cesarean? :)

Super Mum

Why only cesarean?

4y ago

Just want to cesarean instead of natural birth. Haha

VIP Member

Try NUH...

Super Mum

Try sgh

Super Mum

Go nuh ?

4y ago

NUH also wont accept new case because of the covid19. But now we decided go for private hospital to do cesarean. Thanks for your reply! :)