7 Replies

Super Mum

No it doesn’t. 104 is still lower than 120 which means it’s on a downward trend. My LO’s level was about 112 at 4 weeks. She still looked yellow but it was on a downward trend so there was nothing to worry about too:) (she had >10 blood tests, very heartbreaking too) Anyway, we were discharged from follow up because we just needed to observe her. Important things to do: -ensure she’s fed very well. The more she drinks, the more she poops. When she poops, she helps get rid of the pigments, so the jaundice clears more quickly -for breastmilk jaundice (where the liver is still developing and unable to clear the pigments quickly enough), you can mix bm and fm (as they suggested), or.. you can just ride it out (if your bm is enough) and wait for the liver to mature. The jaundice may go down more slowly, but it’ll clear:) Hang in there! My once super yellow baby is now as fair as snow white. Haha!

Best to feed formula and breast milk.. take turn when as need. As long as baby urine and s*** more should not be a prob. Every morning try to find sunlight at 8am and let her suntann for an hour. My baby clear within the first wk.

VIP Member

I drank lot red dates water during confinement. My baby jaundice level was highest at 130 only. But ginger can cause jaundice if you breastfeed your baby


104 is not high. I remembered by boy was 120+/- PD advise consistently feed him BM every 2-3hrs

Sorry just confirm from my hubby is not 120+/- is 200+/-

Thanks all. Went back for follow up today and her reading was down to 91 :)

VIP Member

Red date doesn’t cause jaundice. But I heard, ginger does.

I don't thk so

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