It might be his parents idea to ask my to split the cost(to be honest I don't mind).
But here is what I'm curious of, did his parents ask him to split the cost with me whateve thing I buy for our baby? I bought Drawer chest, baby crib, all the clothes and for hospital bill I pay as well. I can ask him to share the cost. But here is the point that we are husband and wife what do we buying thing and yet we have to split the cost?
Those thing I pay for is for our baby. And the mattress if for us. End of the day is still for us and I didnt ask him to split the cost is because I feel that no need too. Not unless his parents think that we should?...
Should I also ask him to split the cost of which everything I buy? I feel so uncomfortable to ask him pay. And I don't get it why he ask me to split the cost with thing we buying.