My LO hiccups alot. 1 week old now. Should i be worried??

Burp more freq in between feeds. My LO still face such probs despite she alr 4mth old. Either i give pacificer or let her latch to reduce it. If not, just let ur LO be. Thy will be fine after awhile
Hiccuping can be reduced by burping baby more but it is quite common and usually nothing to be worried about.
Don't worry, this is totally normal as your LO's body is developing. Burping may help, but this is fine :)
It's fine(: You may want to inform the pd during your next visit and see what he says
Hi... after every feed, burp your baby. It will help to reduce baby’s hiccups
Yes, mine too. My nanny said that it's cos the lungs are still developing.
No need to worry. Very normal. Baby's body system is still developing
Try to burp your LO after feeding her each time
burp your baby may help get rid of the hiccups
It’s normal. Don’t worry.