My lo is on formula and he's 4 months and 11 days old, can I start cow's milk in less quantity??

Because of their immature kidneys, children under 1 year are incapable of digesting cow’s milk, which contains high concentrations of protein and minerals that will be hard for a child this age to digest. Also, cow’s milk doesn’t contain the right levels of iron, vitamin C, and other nutrients that are essential for infants. Goat’s milk is also not recommended for children under 1 year either. Like cow’s milk, it can cause intestinal irritation and anemia.
Read moreCow's milk can only be given after your baby attains one year. Before that, it can be harsh on her delicate stomach. You can even feed her goat milk, which is supposed to be gentle and nutritious for babies, but only after one year. Till then, either formula or beastfeeding should suffice, apart from solid food.
Read moreyou only can give cow milk once your LO turns 1 year old as their digestive system is not matured yet they may not be able to accept the milk and may even have some intolerance to it. Continue with formula first or breastfeeding. Once they hit 1 years old, you can give cow's milk or even goat;s milk
Read moreplease try and avoid cow's milk till your baby turns 1 year, as it can put a lot of pressure on your baby's system to digest it. if you are already giving formula, please continue breastfeeding and formula till as long as you can. do also speak to your baby's doctor about it
Hi, I do not think till 6 months you should start him on cow''s milk as it may cause diarrhoea or can be allergic to it. Cow milk is not advisable but up can still consult your paediatrician before doing so.
Please don't. It's not suitable for them. Babies tummy are very sensitive and immature. Their digestive system will not be able to take it.
your baby is still too young for starting cow's milk. i would suggest please wait till at least the 11th or 12th month
No, cow's milk is not given upto one year. Upto 6months only breast milk or formula.
No he can't digest