My LO is 5 months. Can i give him avocado mixed with BM?

4-6 months is the recommended age to start solids so I think a small amount is more or less OK. Make sure the avocado is ripe and very soft and you mash it really finely, so it becomes quite runny when mixed with breast milk. Try feeding with a spoon, if he uses his tongue to push it out it means he's not ready. If he can swallow then it's OK to continue.
Read moreNo! Mummy you need to follow the signal if your baby can sit up. And there's a 3 day rule to follow usually will recommend to start with rice cereal.
If he can sit unsupported with good neck control, show interest in food, lose the tongue thrust reflex, you can try giving
u mean the puree rite? depends on your baby, if baby head is straight and can sit unsupported then should be fine
Yes .. try lil bit of .. as he is too small u may can give him one time full feed fm 6th months
Can your LO sit up in the chair without support? Is the head control good?
wait for 6 months and when your baby can sit up straight
Try to wait till 6 mths before giving any solid food :)
Yes if he can sit up right
Not advisable