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hey! i'm quite a fit body built (ok la maybe fat? idk HAHAHA people tell me i'm not fat, just fit) and yes my previous bump was small too! to the point where people don't realise i'm pregnant. currently pregnant with my second and probably won't be big as well. it can be annoying as people (public to be specific) judged you by your bump but hey as long as baby is healthy, don't listen to their stupidity honestly. my colleague once told me my baby is small, but she came out 3.22kg, even heavier and taller than my niece which her mum's bump was bigger than mine and obvious at 4 months already. don't feel insecure mummy! just ensure to keep yourself safe and healthy so baby is safe and healthy too! 😙

Oh I get a lot of personal questions from hi-bye ppl around me. Things like are you going natural or c sect? Are you taking epidural? You will breastfeed right? That even came with a stare on my chest! And I hated it so much when ppl say oh! Soon your baby will come, soon! I was like hello? I hope to carry my baby till 40 weeks and I had all the plans and do you know how inconvenient it is if my baby came early???? Simply stupid. Just say simple things like take care is the best!

I had my husband's aunt saying like that but I ignore. Then I just go in one ear, come out one ear. I don't care at all. Every baby bump will be different, doesn't matter first time or second time, etc. As long as baby's healthy I am good. I can have people so small big bump, tall people big bump, or small people/tall people small bump. So to me idc I will tell them doesn't matter at all. A bump doesn't show how healthy/unhealthy or how big/small your baby when you give birth

Everyone said my stomach is small and my next door working neighbour (I work in f&b) only realized I’m pregnant on the day I told her I’m going in tonight to give birth 😂 (we always talk face to face btw). I am on the petite side so yes, your colleague’s logic is bs so please ignore them. I always take it as a compliment that they’re saying I’m slim during pregnancy. 🥱

It’s a blessing in disguise because mine is the opposite of yours. Since my first pregnancy I wanted to hide my tummy but it’s so obvious at week 8 only! At least you don’t have to worry much about stretch marks or losing extra tummy fats after birth. Ignore those remarks, don’t feel upset or angry and just be happy, mommy!

everyone says the same to me too and I am petite sized! but the doctor said baby is growing well, current baby estimate weight is at average even though my bump looks small 🤷‍♀️ so no such thing as one size to pregnancy. why does everyone think pregnant women must look huge ?! 😒

love your last sentence 😂 ikr? i was insecure the whole 9 months previously but i realised how nice it is to keep things in private 😂

hahaha same and initially i was like really is my bump small? but everyth is good with baby growth so i just take it ok, small small lo. its also partly bcos if u have inverted uterus, the womb somehow is diff. so it could be that there are 'more' space for baby to move around despite bump is 'small'

People will always have comments haha, whether big, small, sharp, wide, etc. Most don't mean anything bad,just that they don't know what else to say,so end up making such comments. It'll be over once baby is out haha.

For some months some people say I don’t look very pregnant and some months I get comments that I look quite big for x number of months so I just ignore the comments already

Haha now i only have ppl who keeps telling me my stomach very big, i gonna deliver earlier n etc. but then its my 2nd one so i tink.. normal to look bigger alr

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