Baby and pacifier
Do you let your baby take pacifier? If no, why?

No for both my kids. (Almost 4yo and almost 6 mo). If they need comfort, we (my husband and I) comfort them. If they are fussy/cranky, we find out the cause and solve the problem. We sleep trained both of them already, so they never relied on the pacifier to fall asleep. I think it’s fine both giving your kids the pacifier and not giving it. It’s really up to you. But because I didn’t use it, I learnt many ways to comfort my children and engage with them, helping them through discomfort, meltdowns, tantrums, sleep training, learning self soothing, learning how to play by themselves, etc using other methods. Because I couldn’t rely on the pacifier, I had to spend more time understanding their needs and wants, and then working on how to fill those needs. For that, I think not using the pacifier has made me a better parent.
Read moreYup i do. I tried diff ways to soothe him but i find the use of pacifier to be the best. He cries alot and can hardly self-soothe by himself. So giving him the pacifier is one of the ways for him to self-soothe and gv him comfort.
yes i let my baby use pacifier but not always. cause she will depend on the pacifier and its not good for their teeth if they often suck pacifier.
Yes. I believe they will kick the habit by themselves when the right time comes. So just let her have the pacifier for now to soothe herself
Yes. They will outgrow it eventually. My first child auto rejected when she turn almost 1. Now 2nd child using since 1mth old.
didn't buy.. got for free from insurance agent.. hope not to use or baby dislike.. heard it will affect growth of teeth
Both my kids didn't use it. Scared it will become bad habit and teeth will not grow out nicely.
Yes during sleep only. But my baby will auto take out once she deep sleep.
Yes my used till age 7 months and automatically didn't want it anymore
I did! But he self wean after going to ifc