Drink Yakult
Will u let your 2yo drink 1 whole bottle of yakult? Drink only like once a week kind.
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Super Mum
I think I let her drink a few sips at that age and 1 bottle at 3+. It’s quite sweet 😅. But when my in laws brought her out one day (3yo), I heard they let her drink 2 bottles of it 😓. I guess sugar is okay now and then, but I taught her how to love water more than any sweet drink, and I taught her the importance of brushing teeth. She’s also within the healthy weight range (and on the lighter side), and we do exercise.
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Maybe half but not the whole bottle at this age... Even though most will say it's fine to give the whole bottle(:
VIP Member
I’d dilute it lol
VIP Member
half maybe?
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