Hi ladies, Mind sharing how long/quick was your wait when you try to conceive right after marriage? What was your longest?

We waited for 1.5 years before trying due to our financial situation. When we were ready, we started trying and were pleasantly surprised that we conceived so quickly! We used Natural Family Planning for both postponing and planning pregnancy and found it very effective. Now I'm 29 weeks pregnant!
We intended to have our first child 3 years after our wedding, which we were blessed with. We were hoping for a second child 2 years later, but that wait took an extra year.
I’ve been married for 6 years and still yet to conceive. We went for adoption while waiting and now very busy with our 4 month old adopted baby :D
I got pregnant one month after I got married. Unfortunately I lost her when I was 18weeks pregnant. 1 year later, I am 35 weeks pregnant now.
So happy for you, Congratulations mommy!
Hi, It really depends on the couple's understanding and plans :) It can have a range from 1 to 3 years
12 years. Had PCOS and a lot of difficulties conceiving. Had 3 IUIs and finally conceive with 1 round of IVF
Wow! That's definitely heartwarming :)
2years . Have to keep trying n trying cos conceiving not a Breeze for me
Abt couple of years bt it’s depends on the couple n their understanding
3 years but my husband and I are in LDR half of that time.
After one year, during vacation with lot walking and hiking
Wow nicee!
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