Do you allow your mother-in-law to be in the labour room?

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Depends on my mood

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bukan depends on the mood, it is actually depending on the mother’s in law punya attitude… some mother in law treat us woman mcm anak sendiri. some dont. so…… depends

3y ago

Trme kasih akk bg kte2 smgat Sy prgnt ni pn stress pk mcm2. Ccu ske tpi tdk plk sy.alhamdulillah suami sy blh buat smua tu.tpi nk mghdp sbb ddk srmh tu dgn ckp yg mcm2 sy hmpir depress.


Yes but dont think necessary she need to be in labour room

my MIL too old besides she doesnt hv husband lol

saya takde mertua , suami anak yatim piatu 🥲


depends on the situations

VIP Member

depends on the situation

better ask my own mother ..

VIP Member

depend on situation


