13 Replies

Supply typically comes in around 2-3 days and baby will have enough reserves to tide through that period. It is also their demand for milk that will stimulate your milk production. So latching and latching is definitely the way to go. Have lots of fluids, red date tea, water(if possible), soups and lots and lots of skin contact with baby. It is very common for newborns to have jaundice. When that happens, baby may keep sleeping and may not suckle at your breast. So be prepared to pump every 2 hourly to stimulate your milk production if baby is not helping out. And no, Fenugreek and nursing tea cannot be taken during pregnancy. It is stated on the packaging. Only after birth dear. :)

VIP Member

You can consider pumping and using the lactation massager. Can help to improve milk flow. And if you’re like me who had blocked ducts from the beginning, the lactation massager is gonna come in very handy also. Better than massaging on our own, it can really get a bit tiring after awhile. https://welovesupermom.com/products/lacmas-r-lavie-lactation-massager-available-in-2-designs

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my daughter was a preemie so she had to be in the NICU. for the first few days she didnt latch because she had a lot of tubes on her. so i pumped immediately. my milk came in a day after i gave birth. but mine is a special case. pumping (for at least 2 weeks) is not advised for normal situations because it might cause oversupply.

Hi jenisha here, my baby is 18 days old. Is there anyway to get rid from bottle feeding..i want to feed him only my milk , I have milk but supply is very slow, even he is not able to suckle proper..so currently I am bound to give him combinations of feeds such as cow milk and breast milk both to avoid his hunger...

VIP Member

When your baby is born, you may request for the nurses and lactation consultants to help you express colostrum and stimulate milk to come in. The general rule of thumb is that the emptier the breasts are, the more milk will come in.

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Demand=Supply, and thus latch as often as possible to stimulate the supply. Also, taking hot/warm soup/fluids will help to generate more supply too. Have plenty of rest during confinement period.

Let your baby latch on as often as he/ she wants. Drink lots of fluids and try not to stress too much over it. Good luck!

Thanks Jacqueline! can we take fenugreek or nursing tea during pregnancy? Noted on latching, Dew, thanks much!

You can also consider supplement such as fenugreek or nursing tea.

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