So irritating and creepy. My sister live her life exactly like how me and my wife live our life. We got married when my wife is 5 months pregnant and in May last year and now waiting for our flat. She will like to asked a lot of question about our life and stuff then she do the same things. She is getting married this year in May and is pregnant 5 months by then and same bridal shop and now waiting for the same area flat. She got no life of her own and is pathetic. She must be sick in mental to copy every thing me and my wife did.

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😂 this reminds me of a fren of mine! I have a galfren who is married, who will always follow a particular galfren of hers. Both are my frenz. 'A' got married first. 1-2 yrs later, 'B' got married. 'B' got e same make up artist as 'A' for her wedding. 'A' gave birth to a baby gal. 'B' den got pregnant n gave birth to a baby gal too! 😂 'A's' house got a baby playmat. 'B' bought e exact same playmat as 'A'! 'A' organised 1 yr old bday party for her gal and 'B' started planning to have one too then. 'A' got a jujube bag. 'B' oso wanted, so she bought for herself one. The thing is: 'A' has money as her hubby is earning alot. 'B' has no money. Both she n her hubby works but both spends money like water!

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