5 Replies

I'm in similar situation as you. A few of my friends lost their baby in the first few weeks of pregnancy. When I knew I was pregnant, I don't dare to be too optimistic about it. Even now at week 16, I'm still a bit afraid. I just learn a few days ago that another friend of mine lose her baby at week 5. I realise that no matter at which stage of pregnancy, mums will always worry. I just had to remind myself that as long as I'm not experiencing bleeding or unusual symptoms and I'm still having common pregnancy symptoms, I don't need to worry too much. While babies may seem small and fragile, they can be resilient and tough as well in our tummy.. Stay strong and positive! 💪🏻

U are not alone babe, pls know that ur feelings are valid❤️ I had 2 mc within a year…in fact the first time I had a dream that I lost my baby few days before the incident happened. I m on w12 of my third pregnancy now…somehow my mindset is just different this time, as in I have been telling myself to keep an open mind and in chinese saying 平常心. I believe that what is meant to happen, it will happen. No point thinking about all the what IFs, God is in control:) keep praying everyday. Smooth pregnancy to u and take care!

I was similar, because of my line of work I met people who had miscarriages, ectopic pregnancy, early emergency c-sec etc which made me worry unnecessarily. on the rational side I keep reminding myself that if there's no bleeding/bad cramps I shouldn't need to worry, and talking to my husband about all these helps! I think it helps to talk to someone to help you stay grounded and clearminded instead of getting overwhelmed by negative thoughts. All the best!

I have this thinking too. Try to limit the worrying time to half an hour per day. Then try watch your fav dramas, do your fav hobbies to not think too much about it.......

I am also like this that’s why I have a few gynaes that I go routinely so they don’t find me weird 😅

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