9 Replies

I feel you. I got pregnant after months of trying. And when i finally saw 2 lines on the test, i was very happy. But that feeling faded away in few days, and i was mostly unhappy and i don’t know why. But when 2 trimester came, i started feeling better. I still have multiple feelings, but definitely not unhappy. This shall too pass, trust me. Initial phase of pregnancy we are on cocktail of hormones, and our body is still new to handle it. It will get better. And if it doesn’t, please talk to your doctor. And they will provide you necessary help. Your physical and mental health, both are important.

I feel u! I'm at wk7 and I had a MC before too. I quit my job once I realised I was pregnant cuz I know it will bring me much stress and unhappiness. I have bad sickness too and most days I just lie on bed and sofa and just bored & sick af. perhaps u could tell and rant it to one or two close friends or even parents? having their companionship helps alot too. tbh I have friends praying for morning sickness cuz they were really afraid things might happen. try to find ways to drift through the first trim. u can do it!

At the week i did my nipt, i had a tear. Subsequently gynae said fluid was not ideal to him. I felt really unhappy when i was diagnosed with diabetes (not sure whether gestational) at wk 20. Wondering why of all things its me. Till now i feel like a burden eating food because i avoid things that will spike my sugar high. Up till now sometimes i feel that my pregnancy is full of obstacles. But stay positive! :)

oh I cursed and sweared at my 2nd preg... didn't expected it coz it wasn't easy to have the 1st one...and with all the morning sickness, I was constantly in bad mood and throwing tantrum esp to my hub... even till today when my 2nd one is 9 mths, I'm still scolding my hub esp when I'm too tired from working, breastfeeding and taking care of 2 boys... everyday I just pray my boys quickly grow up.

I totally feel you. I had swelling so much in the initial stage, vommited so much and had spotting. I kept telling myself it wasn't easy for me to conceive so I listened to happy songs, watched shows that keeps me happy to keep myself going. I also make it a point to go out for a walk to sweat it out at least on a weekly basis. partner support is important as well.

Super Mum

It will get better soon! If you want to you can share with close family, close friends so they can support you, no reason why you need to keep a secret. Pregnancy can be tough and it's understandable to question if it's worth it. But a child can bring you happiness for years and years, so 9 months of hardship is totally worth it.

I do understand you. I also had same feeling. when i got pregnant after 2 miscarriages . Hormone changes in our body during pregnancy can affect feeling (mental situation ). Be positive. Talk with some one else who really understand you. if you need go and meet a doctor.

try to stay happy for healthy baby. anything can rant here, we will b ur listening ear. perhaps u can share ur worries with hub, sis or close gf



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