I'm unwell, fever, flu in 4 days. And now allergies are getting worse. Husband already leave 2 days. I'm stress, to manage home and kids. How ibu2 lain manage kids? ???

Hi mommy. How many kids do you have? I understand as well, I only have 2 kids but at the same time I have a full time stay at home job. I arranged my time accordingly, tp talk to my husband whenever i feel stress. Kalau I tak tahan stress I msg dia awal2 jgn membebel kalau rumah bersepah. 😅 Sometimes u just have to let it be, remind yourself not to lose temper for the day.
Baca lagiJust manage yourself & kids. Only do the priorities. Like food, buy outside / order delivery / ask husband prepare b4 he leave. Kerja2 rumah no need to do unless very important. You are stronger that u think u are. ive been in the same situation, worse which i've been sick for a month. The most important, think positive.
Baca lagiJust priortize the things that you need to do. Sometimes I invite my friends and family to my house to help me to manage the home and kids
Hi mom.. Ask help.. Your mom or mother inlaw to come andhelp u.... Its ok to ask for help dear,.. Sometimes we need it.. 😘 😘
Pentingkan mana yg penting. Kadang rumah bersepah kita stress. Tapi fikir balik, apa definisi bersepah tu.
Hi there, you gotta be strong and dont push yourself too hard, its okay not to have it all