Hub out for KTV

I'm on my 20th week and as I'm typing this, my heart's beating real fast and almost not knowing what to do. Hub just came back from Happy Hour and I came to know he went to a sleazy KTV with a booked room. 2.5hours he came back home, drunk and snoring away now. If he would to say nothing happened, I'm sure no one would believe. Please tell me what I should do now. I'm trembling with anger.

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Do distract yourself first to stay calm mummy! Also helps if you can be reasonable and level headed when talking to hubby. I trust my hubby and don't question him too much on his activities, maybe just generally like "how was it last night?" and if he is willing to share more I will ask more, if not, that's that. The most important is to let him know how you feel about him going to sleazy places. Let him know it bothers you and how you prefer to deal with it going forward eg. Whether he should not go to those places again, come back by a certain time, no private rooms, or don't go ktv with certain groups of ppl etc. See what he has to say and try to compromise. Trust is key!

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