contractions 34weeks

hi. im new mom here ? btw,i just wanna ask to all mom here, i preggy for 34weeks already and ths is my 1st time .. can u share me about the contractions and how it feels like ? ???

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Sakit tu cm cramp kt perut... Mula2 10 mint... Klau susah sgt, just download app contraction. Cr la kt google store/apple store. Bila sakit tu.. tkn that app button contraction. Then da berhnti.. dy suruh off.. dy ad record.. klau terlalu kerap..dy akn bgtau suruh pack brg utk ke hospital..Sgt berguna..mmg betul..lpas smpai hospital..lme sikit..bersalin on that day

Baca lagi
6y ago

Oowh... Ade eaa app mcm tu.... Kne dwlod ni....