contractions 34weeks
hi. im new mom here ? btw,i just wanna ask to all mom here, i preggy for 34weeks already and ths is my 1st time .. can u share me about the contractions and how it feels like ? ???

I gave birth to my boy on labor day at mucus plug,no water break.felt mild contractions since 4am and intense since 2pm so intense that i was shaking and no position is helping.i gave birth to my boy at 5pm.they ask me ti start push when my opening is only 7cm.maybe because contractions getting more frequent and i kept asking them to let me use the toilet cz i feel want to poop.what it feels like? Well at 4am i went to pee then felt want to poop which i did and also vomited what i ate.i could not sleep and felt cold.15min later i went to the toilet again and felt want to poop again but ofcourse no poop. Then my thigh felt like cramps attacking. Another 15min i felt it again and it feels like period where u feel weak.and this continues till 5am.i decide to go shower and shave then clean my room and pack my hospital bag which i dont use anything in it.start 10am i felt it like waves.. when it comes muka mcm marah then it go away im back to normal. The intense one i was shaking so bad that i forgot how to breath. If u give birth normal way, its not painful.the only pain is when they do episotomy,pull and give pressure at the perinuim and the contraction pain. And the ring of fire where the baby head is at the opening,that is not painful at all cz i was thinking to myself, where the ring of fire??😂 they break my waterbag in the labour feels like i pail of warm water drop splash. Here's what u should pack in ur hospital bag. 1. Go home outfit for u (u can just recycle what u came in) and go home outfit for baby(prefer romper cz security need to check the tag on baby leg).2.swaddle for baby is very very important.3.topi for baby. 4.water bottle. 5. Maternity loop pad.(intimate selling 20pcs rm7 and 10pcs rm4. depends how u give birth,20pcs for normal.30pcs for c section.some hospitals will ask to "return" back.just bring to be prepared). 6.jacket and socks. 7. Snacks to munch on as hospital food is too sikit. And thats it. These are the things i used. I only got 2hours of nap. Even toothbrush im not using.shower??😂😂 u wont feel want to shower after give birth so no need.if u do need it u can ask dear husband to bring it later. And thats it.if u keep going to toilet and feel want to pooo and nothing happens then its time to go to hospital but go. It will also be when u walk u need to stop and breath.i hope ur delivery will be fast and smooth.
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