Excessive weight gain
Hi, I’m in my 3rd trimester (29w3d) and I have already gained almost 15kg... my gynae says she’s not concern about it and I can afford to gain more because I’m considered petite in size (1.57m and 51.5kg before pregnancy). But I can’t help but to feel anxious about the excessive weight gain. Esp when people around me are commenting on my pregnant size... is 15kg at 29weeks really normal? Recently got tested negative for GD and my baby is almost 1.6kg at the moment.

We are totally same heigh and weight. I wash like u keep worried this and that. Didn't enjoy must good foods cos diet control but really very torture. Don't worry mummy. I gained 16kg+ and now I drop about 10kg+ during my confinement. Confinement ending soon I still have 5kg to go. Have to exercise more to get rid excess fats. Don't worry will slim down fast I guess. Just need to sweat more and of cos breastfeed. Ur baby gain quite little. My baby about 2.5kg when at 3rd trimester. Just eat whatever u crave cos during confinement really many foods can't eat. Jiayou mummy💪!
Read moreI’m also the same height as you. Currently 31wd2. I alrdy gain 18kg. Just ignore those negative comments. Don’t let it affect you. As Long as your baby is healthy and his weight gain is normal. It’s fine 😊 cheers!
Focus on baby’s weight more than your own😊 i gained only 10 kg now im at 35 weeks. Doctor didnt say anything cuz baby size and weight is acceptable. Im small size too (154cm 38 kg when i was 12 weeks pregnant. )
Your weight gain is fine for your pre-pregnancy BMI:) petite mums actually need to gain a lot more than non-petite mums during pregnancy. And your baby’s weight is okay too. So don’t worry:)
I think shud be ok.. im the same wk as u.. i gain 12kg.. but my baby is only 1.1kg... bt gynae say the weight is ok. Maybe js control ur diet if ur afraid? Like no avocados, durians, less fruits?
I gain 22kg through out 36 weeks pregnancy baby girl weight 3.2kg at birth. I am 1.58cm before pregnancy is 44kg. So i guess youre fine.
it's alright to gain weight.. you can always loose weight after birth.. baby got to be healthy weight
Ah now I'm worried I didnt gain enough. I'm 31W and have gained only 7kg, am 57 now. :(
Got a bun in the oven