
I'm in my 13th week of pregnancy, and my face is full of pimples and pimples scars. Before I'm pregnant, my facial skin is soft and hardly a pimple will land on it. Do other mommies-to-be experiencing the same? Will my soft and smooth skin comes back?

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Mine is different, before pregnant face full of acne, now pregnant all pimples gone

5y ago


berbeza dengan saya.. biasa memg berjerawat.. hamil je muka licin tanpa jerawat..

Saya pon sama..Pimple kecik2 naik abis atas muka..Tpi lepas guna y nie dah makin kurang..

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same goes to me.. not fully but keep showing up everywhere.. my skin also being oily 🥴

Sama.. Naik jerawat. Bila sebiji hilang, tumbuh lg.. 😂😅. Gatal2 dgn bhgian tgn.

Me too 13 week n ade jerawat.. Dulu susah nk tumbuh.. Kalu tumbuh pon 3 hari dh hilang..

Sy jerawat kt muka xda apa .. cuma kulit jadi kusam .. bhgian leher jadi gelap ..jadi kering

5y ago

Sy pun sama..sblom tau pregy hr2 sental sampai pedih..bila dh tahu pregy mmng x sental dh..sbb ank yg sulung dlu pn sy mngalami masalah yg sama..🤣

VIP Member

Same, by the 3rd trimester will getting better. Use natural face wash or chemical free.

sama la..seblum prgnt kulit muka mmg ssh naik jrwt..kali ni hbis kt dahi..hilang mood..

Same with me sis. Now I just control its by put 100% aloavera and its berkesan for me.