I’m a mom of three months old baby and currently having a maternity leave which will be over soon. I work as a retail sales woman 5 days in a week from
10am to 10pm. I live with my in laws who is 60y.o and 50y.o . My husband insisted that i need to stop working and taking care of baby instead. But i have my own dream to chase and i wanted to continue work . Am i selfish? Do i need to resign for my baby’s sake ?

I dont think you are selfish. You can find other solutions, like sending to infant care then getting someone to pick up the baby and take care of the baby. I am working too, and my baby is 6 months old. I have my own dreams, and still intend to further study when my baby is more stable and there is someone to help me to take care of the baby. It is good to chase after your own dreams. I like to be there with my child during her first few milestones, but at the same time, I believe in chasing my own dream as it helps to secure my child with a more stable lifestyle. By sending your child to school, it is beneficial for the baby as well to mix around with friends and to learn things in school.
Read moreI used to work in retail too.. 11am-10pm..! 6 days per week.. i hd that job for 7 years.. love the environment.. colleagues whom i have treated like family.. but i hd to leave the job becoz no one was able to care for my baby.. its really hard to make changes that are so drastic.. but soon u i felt thankful coz i got to witness my baby growing up.. but not everyone will feel the same.. u should have a proper talk with ur partner and see how it will work for the both of u..
Read moreIs he concerned that there’s nobody that both of you can entrust to take care of your baby? If there’s someone to help by all means continue working. However 10am to 10pm is very long working hours and I think you’ll be really tired. As a new parent as your lack of sleep is no joke! Also, don’t forget separation anxiety as you’ll probably want to spend all possible time with baby. If financially both of you are ok no harm taking one or two years off.
Read moreMaybe your husband is concern abt your long working hours? Can try talking to your husband regarding who will be taking care of your baby when u are at work. For myself, i converted to part time instead , cause yes i do agree we need to chase our dreams as well, but at the same time i want to be there for my baby first milestones. So that to me is a win win situation. After when she is older can consider switching up to full time again
Read moreI understand the situation you are facing. I got no choice but resigned working eversince I knew I was pregnant, because mine was too nausea and vomitting non stop.. Now that my baby is already 18 months and goes to cc, I got the chance to chase my dreams and earn again. I think its okay to have a couple of years off from work, if your husband can manage financially.
Read moreNo you are not selfish. Why can’t woman have their career and dreams to pursue leh? What you need to do is to discuss care plans of the child with your husband and let him be assured that if your child requires you, you’ll still be able to be readily available for him or herb
You're not selfish. Since your in-laws are able to look after your baby, is fine that you want to continue working. If they feel that the time to look after your baby is too long, perhaps you may want to look for other job with better timing.
I think key is for you and your husband to discuss on care plans for your baby when you go back to work and weight the pros and cons. As even when you send to infant care someone needs to pick baby up in the evening. All the best dear!
No don’t think that u r selfish. Everyone is entitled to chasing their own career and dreams. Besides there are still options out there for childcare.