Oscar Scan (nose Bone)
Hi all, I'm currently at my 12th week pregnancy and just had my Oscar scan done. Everything was normal except they told me that the nose bone can't be clearly seen at this moment. Anybody had same encounter here??

my case was slightly different, the blood test results for FTS was low but u/s was normal but they still told me that my baby is high risk for trisomy defects. They advised me to go for harmony test which I did (in kkh if you r a subsided patient and result for FTS is high risk, ur harmony test will be highly subsidised - about 300 plus) Results was normal.
Read moreI was in the same case, nasal bone not visible during oscar scan and hence resulted in high risk for down syndrome. Luckily i had opted to do oscar and harmony at the same time, so when they revealed my oscar test result, they could also immediately share my harmony test result, which was low risk of down syndrome. Hope yours turns out fine too!
Read moreMy boy also have this issue. Oscar shows his chances of getting Downs is Low but they cant see his nasal bone at all. So doc tells me chances that he has Downs is still there. Now he is 5 and perfectly healthy. N still no nasal bone. Hahah. Flat nose. Hope all is good with yours!
Same experience here, my gynae advise was baby is still very small, probably needed more time to build up on nose bone. Now im approaching my 38weeks.
I did raise up this concern to the consultant and she told me it will not affect the result of the test.. Not sure if she's trying to sell me more test.. 😔.
What ur gynae advise? There will be another detail scan during week 20.
Thanks Wendy :) 🙏🏻
Week 20 scan should give better results
I am so terrific now after speaking to the consultant.. She told me result might not be big difference.
Take harmony or paranoma test
What's the advice form your gynae?
Advise from the consultant was to go for more test.. Which she makes me feel my baby definitely have down syndrome 😭
Excited to become a mum