Im just 5 weeks pregnant. It is ok for to hiking?

don't recommend to do heavy activities. there are other safe ways to stay fit and healthy during pregnancy. take good care of your baby in the womb, don't do too much physical activities that could harm the baby
Its not ok at all, early stage is very2 important for you to take care of yourself and your baby. Any small mistakes could bring harm to your baby and yourself. So please consider this seriously.
I am hiking when I pregnant 2 weeks but that time I dont know I am pregnant. 😅 And luckily so far no problem. But for u, pls dont do that.
Saya rasa mcm kurang sesuai utk buat aktiviti hiking masa kandungan masih awal. Tapi puan boleh consult doc utk lebih lanjut.
Sy dulu sy xtau sy dh pregy 5 week... Sy siap naik bot g memancing kat kelong stiap pg Jogging... Semingu kemudian Bru cek
Hiking...!! 5weeks...!!! Are u kiding 😒 just rest end take care the baby's if u want the baby 😐
Tak digalakkan.. Sebab masih baru.. Janin belom kuat lagi.. Lagi2 pregnancy zaman sekarang..kena beware
I think still early la..why not u take a rest for temporary and ask doctor for next opinion..😊
baik jgn dulu sis... trimester pertama ni kandungan sgttt fragile... bykkan brehat
Ask doc opinion but I think better don't at this moment