I was just wondering at what age to give baby baked beans. My daughter is 10 months. I had read that you should start baked beans at 9 months but I have also noticed that some mothers give baked beans earlier. Is there a specific age and how many can we feed a day?

Cooked beans pulp/paste should be fine at that age; day time may be better as such high protien food leads to stomach wind in the night. Great if you can give home cooked beans. If you are buying from the market, do ensure that the taste is not sharp due to salt and preservatives. Its good to rotate different food for different meals such that the baby gets all the nutrients she needs in a day.
Read moreUsually, the canned baked beans are salty and sugar added so they are not good for your kids. u should rinse them to wash off the sodium first and it is 1-2 Tbsp for 1-3 year old kid. If your are going feed the cooked beans, it would be more healthy, 7-10 month old kid should be able to eat mashed cooked beans
Read moreI'll try to avoid canned food as much as possible. But if u really need to feed her that, bake beans are generally soft, so as long as she can chew its fine. Regarding how much, i feel a table spoon is just nice to go with other food together. Definitely not the whole can.
No specific age. Just look out for allergy and please wash off the "sauce" if u are using canned. They should hardly be exposed to salt or flavorings added to foods
Get fresh beans. Don't get the canned ones. They are not healthy and contain too much salt and sugar in it.
My mum’s advice was no beans until after 12 months. I adhered to her advice
I don't give my kids baked beans the whole family doesn't eat them
No specific age but I would avoid processed food as long as I can.
Give fresh ones better than canned
better not to eat canned food