Sleep through the night
I understand it’s a privilege if a baby can sleep through the night. But at 3 months, what’s the longest stretch you should allow your baby to sleep before you call him/her to wake up for the feed or dream feed?

I think this depends on a lot of factors e.g if baby’s weight gain is acceptable, if mommy is prone to engorgement etc. As a working mom and someone who can’t function well on disrupted sleep, I will be soo thrilled once my baby starts to sttn after I dream feed her at 11 plus. I believe baby will wake up if hungry so I won’t wake her.
Read moreAt 3 months, even a breast-fed baby may start to sleep through the night. If your baby has long feeds, then it is not essential to wake them up for a feed. However, if your baby is a grazer, then you may have to give him a feed while he sleeps.
if u r a working mother/ going back to work soon,let your baby sleep. She will wake up when she is hungry. my baby sleep about 6-9hours in the night before she wakes up. baby needs more sleep for their brain development
If he is fed well around midnight and diapers changed, he might sleep through the night. But being a light sleeper, I would wake up periodically to check on him, or be awakened by his whimpers
i let her wake up herself for feed .but she auto make some noises every 3hrly for milk but never wakeup or open eyes, so i auto know she wants to be dreamfed 😂
I let my baby sleep through until she wakes up on her own. So far, she’s slept 12 hours max (inclusive of a twice few-minutes-in-between to latch).
I will let baby sttn if she can. My elder daughter sttn (around 8 hours) when she was 2 months plus.
my boy automatically wakes up and cries for milk hungrily after 3 to 4 hours
If baby can sttn I will definitely let him sleep, longest stretch 7-8 hour?
Will let baby sleep throughout the night without waking him up..