Hi all.
I understand postpartum weight loss takes time but I'm worried because I'm not even losing the weight of what I expelled from my body?
I gained 20kg and became 83kg through the whole pregnancy. Gave birth to a baby of 2.8kg. Three weeks postpartum, I only lost 3kg and is now 80kg. Everyone says we will lose 5kg and more because of water bag, fluid, blood lost, baby weight etc. But it seems like I lost nothing except the weight of the baby itself?
My water retention is gone because I am no longer swelling. But no weight loss.
This is very puzzling and depressing.
FYI I don't snack much. I eat my 3 meals and sometimes have a tea break if I'm hungry. I also drink 2L of water per day. Since the 1st day I discharge from hospital I have been walking more than a usual woman in confinement will because I had to bring my baby to polyclinic and hospital daily for his jaundice appointments. I don't direct latch but express breastmilk regularly.
Anyone with similar experience?