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If he looks fine and not like very old and weak uncle then I think u will need the seat more than him haha. Yesterday there were 1 family (father, Mother and a around 12 years old son) sitting in mrt (the son sitting on priority seat) and not offer me seat too. My bump is quite visible yesterday as I wear bodycon dress. After that when I finally see an empty priority seat, but a young lady quickly rush to the seat and sit there then stare at me. Well, sometimes I just have myself to blame for not having my own car :(

I feel you too. Sometimes i feel parents should educate their children to be more empathising and aware of others situation.

Ignore. It rings a bell when I was in my early pregnancy... people can hardly tell that I’m even pregnant cause I’m quite petite. No one offers me a seat so... nausea yes. I vomited on them cause they’re sitting and I’m standing. I can’t tolerate rudeness cause at first when I asked for a sit and told them I’m pregnant.. they say that “you sure? your tummy is flat” They got what they deserved.

Super Mum

So sorry you have to go through this, I'd be so frustrated too. Sadly many old people are so entitled and thoughtless. Even sadder that it came from a woman as if she's never experienced what pregnancy feels like. I'd say risk of falling is much worse for pregnancy compared to being old, plus being pregnant is difficult and uncomfortable enough in its own. Hope you won't have to go through this again 🤗

if her husband fall and die its One person dead. if you fall and die its Two person dead. her husband lived a long enough life already so its okay to risk his safety lol not trying to be mean but the old lady couldve asked other people who were more fit to stand than a pregnant lady????? she just wanted her husband to die2 sit beside her. nothing to do with him being old and need a seat desperately.

agree...2 life we talking here. whole bus so big i dont think all passangers are preg. surely some ppl can give the seat. but not u

Not all old people are right at some point .. If u need the seat more just ignore them... If they can go out or work.. Why cant they just stand? Happen to me many times.. As im 5months pregnant this not so old lady just stand infront of me waiting for me to give the seat to her.. I just ignore.. My baby n my own safety is much important.. So if can.. Just ignore as ur pregnant.. 😊

Lolx.. i met this quite alot, but they dont talk so much just giving me weird stares. I guess what old ppl are thinking is, althou we preg but we are young, so we shld still give seat to them. I am 5months in my pregnancy, can see my bump, but a 40+ lady just fought for seat.. 😂

How annoying! U know u need the seat more than that man. What if u fall or faint? Would that lady wanna take responsibility?? Just take care of yourself first. Dun feel bad abt this. Cheer up ok. Such a shame to know of the existence of this ppl in our society.

Mummy don't bother abt this people. You know what you are going through. U need the seat more. I am 4 months pregnant. I also won't give up seat cos I can easily get black out. I can't stand too long. At times I get stares from old people in MRT. I just ignore.

Don’t fret, some old ppl think they are entitled because they are old and fragile. And they are miserable being old so just let them be.. let this be a lesson to make sure we don’t end up like them when we are old ourselves 🤪

awwww just ignore them. you and your baby's safety first mummy! even i was at my 9months, rarely ppl offered me seats too 😂 ive to stand even w long distances bc i cant be bothered to communicate w dumb blind ppl 😂

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