Alhamdulillah & Mabrook on your pregnancy. I understand the feeling. For me I got very anxious since I had miscarriage b4 so every scan and check up I will ask if baby is alright. I am at my 14 wks & my next appt is at my 16 wks. Such a torturous feeling of waiting. Hahaha but Positive positive positive! Enjoy your new journey Mummy! May all be smooth for u & baby! 💕
Me too! Wait till your next appts onwards, 4 weeks away and it seems like the days are never going to end! I’ve been waiting for my 2nd appt on 30 Mar since 26 Feb! 😭😭 I wanna see my lil bean again!
The excitement makes u more anxious to see ur lil ones right ! I understand . Hehehe ..
Goodluck and enjoy ur pregnancy.. May you have a smooth journey to motherhood.. InsyaAllah.
Alhamdulilah! Congratulations! Enjoy the precious moments. ❤️
Alhamdulillah. All the best mummy! Congratulations 🎊🎉💐
Congrats and all the best for a smooth pregnancy! :)
Alhamdullilah, wish you all the best :)
alhamdulillah! congratulations! :)
Congrats and all the best!!
Congratulation! ❤️
Nur Rushda