Waiting Time To Get 1st Appt At KKH
Hello mummies, I just went to polyclinic to get referral to KKH, meanwhile waiting for KKH to sms appt date within 7 working days. May I ask if you have any idea usually need to wait how long for the 1st appt with KKH? TIA! :)

I went thru the same route as you. Since my pregnancy was confirmed by the poly doctor at my 8 weeks, i got my first appt the following week, at my 9 weeks. U can try to download an app called health buddy. U might be able to check ur scheduled appt date/s there.
It depends on their availability. For appointment date, they will sms within 7 working days. However for first appointment with gynae varies and depends on the slot availability. Can be as long as a month of waiting.
Hmm i got my appt date with kkh aft collecting prescription. They hv another counter for appt which they will arrange a date immediately. (Fyi, i went singhealth poly,sk) i waited less thn a mth.
Thank you all, appreciate your replies which are very informative and useful to me. I've got an sms from KKH, appt next week 😇 very excited!
Hi... KKH appointment with gynecologist varies on how many weeks you’re pregnant and if you have any existing medical conditions.
It depends on their availability as well as which stage you're currently at. But they should get back within two weeks.
I got my appointment date straight away after collecting my meds at the pharmacy
Within 1 week . Call them for faster arrangements
Be prepared to take leave for at least half day
I waited for a few weeks for KKH to get back to me.