First gynae appointment during 14 weeks

I only managed to get my first gynae appointment at the hospital next month. I will be about 14 weeks pregnant by then. should I be concern? tried to get an earlier slot but it's all full. :(

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First scan is best done between week 8 (good chance of hearing heartbeat) and week 12. Too early is pointless because can't detect heartbeat or maybe can't even see fetus yet. Super early scans can see how many uterus sags to detect whether it's a twin but really that can wait. Down syndrome test must be done by week 13 Day 6. Thereafter, the baby's skin is less translucent making it harder to yield accurate scan results for this down syndrome risk test. Try calling a few other private clinics e.g. Dr Ann Tan, Wendy, etc to get a slot between week 12 and week 13 day 6.

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