I need some advice. My baby is turning 3 months in a couple of days time. for the past few days she has been sleeping though the night and not waking up to drink. even if she wakes up, she didn't cry for milk and goes back to sleep after some patting. she goes on without drinking for up to 10 hours. is that OK? throughout the day she drinks a total of 700ml. I am so worried that she will be dehydrated or gets really hungry. should i just feed her even if she didn't cry for milk at night? by the way dream feeding doesn't work on her as she gets really upset when we try to give her milk when she is not fully awake. she is on total breast milk.

Agree with the rest that there is no need to fret. Babies typically wake up at the end of each sleep cycle and it seems like your baby is capable of soothing himself/herself back to sleep (or with minimal help from you). As long as your baby is still gaining weight, he/she is getting enough milk. Also, baby would definitely cry to let you know that they are hungry or not getting enough. Especially when they are still young, they tend to be driven by their needs and keeping themselves full is one of the basic need that they would fulfill. On the whole, just react according to what your baby is "telling" you. Take care mummy! Remember to drink lots of water and maintain a balanced and healthy diet since you are breastfeeding. Also, get as much rest as you can. :)
Read moreIt is actually quite common for young babies to sleep through the night and not want to nurse at night. My friend's baby went through the same thing and what my friend did was to increase baby's nursing time in the day. She fed baby once every 2 hours instead of the previous 3 and she "tanked" baby with milk before bedtime. Baby sleeps through the night and there is no worry if baby is under-fed. Also, try to minimize any distractions when feeding baby in the day. Babies usually get distracted by so many things as her surroundings are more lively in the day thus causing her to drink less milk. Nurse baby in a quiet and slightly darkened room if possible.
Read moremy son did the same thing. hes 1 and a half bow and he was just fine. as long as shes gaining weight and sleeping enough shell be okay! she knows when shes hungry! everybody worries about over feeding or under feeding the baby but that's not usually how it works. especially not while breast feeding. baby usually knows how much they want and how often! shell be just fine.
Read moreIf you are worried, can take this as a guide which i read it sometime and somewhere on how to gauge how much they should drink. 150 x their weight(to find out the total they drink per day), then divide by 8 feeds(to find out how much per feed) **note that this is a guide only coz i also use it to understand their development better
Read morePersonally i don't think it is of any issue. I won't interrupt baby's sleep unnecessary as they will be more cranky then ever. If they are hungry, they will definitely cry for milk. Another way is to check on their diapers. As long as you get 6-8 wet diapers and 3-4 souled diaper, i feel they are doing fine. Fret not.
Read moreYou are one of the lucky mom actually...I have two kids and both do not sleep thru the night. Let your baby sleep through as sleeping really plays such a major role in brain development. And at the same time, you can at least enjoy your me time while she sleep.
You should be happy they are sleeping through. Usually i will go by the output, just make sure they have output and weight grown, if baby is hungry they will signal one. Can try to increase each feed by 15-30ml to see if baby can finish or not.
Read moreLucky momma... Mine also sleep through the night about 5hours then wake up for 1oz of milk then sleep back. I think as long as the baby is gaining weight, then should be fine. No worries, lucky momma.