37 Replies

Yes you should go to your doctor. High sugar levels will definitely harm your baby. It’s not about the sweet drink that cause ur glucose level to get high it only shows that your body cannot handle sugar from foods. ormally when you eat, your blood sugar rises. Your pancreas, a long gland deep in the belly, releases a hormone called insulin. It helps move sugar from your blood into your cells for energy and storage. Then your blood sugar goes back down to normal. If you have type 2 diabetes, your body uses insulin poorly. Glucose builds up in your blood. This excess sugar can damage blood vessels around your body. Diabetes can lead to heart disease, nerve damage, eye disease, and kidney damage. If the mother's blood has too much sugar, the pancreas of the baby makes more insulin to use this glucose. This causes fat to form and the baby grows very large. Birth injury. Birth injury may occur due to the baby's large size and difficulty being born. f untreated, gestational diabetes can cause problems for your baby, such as premature birth and stillbirth. Gestational diabetes usually goes away after the baby's born; but if you have it, you're more likely to develop diabetes later in life.

Yes it is very impt to monitor ur glucose level. The glucose test is to test how well ur body break down the sugar (from the glucose water) after 1hr and 2hr. If ur reading is high, it means that ur body may not be able to break down the sugar well. If left unmonitored, ur baby will grow very big (since the bb just keep absorbing the glucose from the food u eat). Also, when ur glucose is very high, the baby needs to produce insulin to bring down the glucose in his body. (You can go read up online), I rem there health implication for the baby. So it’s not a matter of big baby, but also health reasons for the baby. Then of cos with big baby, you may not be able to go thru natural birth? Or it gets too big that you have to induce earlier ? And FYI: big baby from GD mummies goes to HD ward too for monitor. I had GD during my pregnancy and with diet control, it can be control. It may seems troublesome for some mummies, but I will do anything within my control to give my baby good health .

VIP Member

Pregnancy induce Diabetes is something to be taken seriously. If ur OGTT is really high then i think u should go and check just to be sure.. high sugar does affect baby..thats y i did comply to monitoring it. i also had same mindset and in denial wen i had same result as u.i was thinking to my self im healthy and my sugar in Normal.. but i still went back jst to be sure all is Ok. They also told me that i would need to stay in clinic coz they need to do the sugar test 4 times(early morning before breakfast, 1 hour aftr breakfast, 1 hour aftr lunch and 1 hour aftr dinner) for me that is a total waste of time to go back and forth in the clinic or much more stay there the whole day. So i ask and told them i have my own sugar monitoring kit and i will do it myself.(well my folks are diabetic thats y i have the access to the machine) To make story short ...now im still monitoring once every 2 weeks if it hits higher than 7.8 i need to do it once a week. Other than this i jst control my diet.

Hello! ask lang po if ilang mmol/L po yung masasabi na mataas po?

Super Mum

Do go for the follow up. I was diagnosed with GD (1st pregnancy) & followed doctor’s instructions to monitor my blood sugar level... When she saw my readings were pretty stable, she allowed me to slowly cut down on the finger pricking. Like what the other mummies said, its to ensure baby is healthy & won’t get too big.. It’s also a risk that babies might get low blood sugar when born (with mummies who have had GD). I remember seeing my lil one going thru several heel pricks to watch her sugar level (heartpain!).. She’ll all well, thank God! Note that you will have to also do the GTT 6 weeks after delivery to ensure everything’s back to normal. I thank God I’m cleared from GD postpartum... :)

Pls go for the test. I had GD and now 30 weeks. My reading is so high that my doc have to prescribe me insulin shots to inject 5 times a day just to bring down my glucose level. Diet plan is also quite strict. But it best for baby. U wouldn’t want your baby to grow too big and start having early contractions and Prem term labour. My tummy was so tight and Braxton Hicks is so frequent that I was scared. Now after diet and insulin shots, my tummy is in a way softer and less tight. Not to scare anyone, but doc and hospital have all these test is to help the mummy, not to harm us. And it’s good to eat less sugar during pregnancy. Bb won’t have a risk of early diabetics. Hope my sharing helps.

I had GD during pregnancy, i cried when i get to know my result. But i just went to the clinic and wanting to know more about it. After i learnt from the nurse it make me feel better and i know what to do to overcome it. Is normal for preggy woman to have GD, even if u are healthy etc. But for baby sake, I change my diet and take care of my sugar level. My gynae told me if i don't take care of it during preggy, baby will tend to have higher sugar in the womb, and she scared once baby out baby sugar level will drop, coz all this while baby get their nutrient, food from the mom. So i suggest is better you go for the next test. For baby sake. :)

Please do what the doctor advises. The risks of GD are not only for mummy, but for baby too. When mummy's sugar levels are high, it crosses over to the baby through the placenta, giving the baby high blood glucose levels. The extra energy from the glucose becomes fat, sometimes resulting in a big baby. A big baby could mean complications for a mother during childbirth. Also, the baby’s pancreas will produce more insulin to counter this high level of glucose.Excess insulin will put the baby at risk of being obese or diabetic in future.

I got scolded by the doctor for not going through the GD glucose test. The doctor told me that my baby can grow big and it can cause complications during birth such as deeper tears or baby too big to come out and shoulder can get stuck causing even more problems. Also cause baby was so used to the high sugar in womb and when come out the sugar level will drop and also can cause other problems. The doctor said after check and if dont have, it will be one less thing to worry about. So I did my GD test on my next appt and thankfully i dont have GD. Thank god.

You should definitely monitor your sugar levels, mummy. Gestational diabetes can increase baby's sugar levels too and your baby could turn out to be really big. This can make normal delivery difficult. The baby's lungs might mature later than normal, increasing the risk for breathing problems at birth. The risk of newborn jaundice is higher too. If your blood sugar control is especially poor, the baby's heart function could be affected as well, which can contribute to breathing problems.

i know that your kinda late in your pregnancy and at this point you just want to be left alone and ride it out and have the baby, I had gd with my 2nd let me tell you they was bothering me so much I considered just having my baby in the field and say forget those doctor lol, I didn't do all I was told, I did the minimum with checking sugar monitoring what I ate, baby came out fine. now this is the 6 baby and I only had gd with one child, never had any problems after

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