baby crying
I would like to ask why my baby keep on crying everynight? When put down he cried non stop. What should i do ?

Baby is still unfamiliar with the world and so is scared when you don’t hold him. He was held by you for 9 months and suddenly, he’s left alone. Swaddling can help to make him feel more secure (must be a nice tight swaddle) when you put him down, and turning on white noise can help to simulate the sounds he heard when he was inside your tummy. Give baby some time to be less scared of everything:) In the meantime, try to be patient with baby ❤️
Read moreEither he needs to be blurp, diaper is wet or hungry. If cries sound like “N” it means hunger, if it is “E” means discomfort or distress
I think your baby is having colic, have you bring ur baby to see a doctor? I think you might need to change your milk if you are feeding fm.
I had the same issue with my child at that age and this is what I found:
Swaddling can help to make baby feel secure and comfortable. You will need to be patient as it takes time.
maybe you might be interested in this.
swaddle baby, check if baby has colic and if the room temperature is cooling
Having colic
Mummy of 3 beautiful baby