Let baby cry non stop?
My baby is 7 weeks old. My hubby insist to let the baby cry non stop when the baby is cranky. Meaning diaper already change also feed the baby. My baby like to be hold, pat and walk around so she could fall aslp easily. My hubby said want to train the baby from young but I cant bear to see her keep crying non stop till cough and choke. My heart break but i cant do anything when I pumping my milk and my hubby is the one looking after her during this period of 30 to 45 mins. It is ok to let baby keep crying till she stop? I really afraid it will hurt her lungs for keep crying so badly :( Appreciate any kind advices. Thank you

Research had shown that crying for less than 5 minutes helps to boost the lung capacity, however persistent crying for more than 5 minutes does not benefit the baby and instead exposed more harmful air bacteria to baby as they do not have nostrils hair to block off harmful/dirty bacteria. Hence, it would be recommended to slowly extend the time that help is given to the baby as he/she grows older. You can have a talk with your husband about it. As long as the baby is about a toddler age which means 1.5 years old then he/she is able to cry up to 45 minutes without causing any harm to the body. However, 7 weeks baby is far too young to cry for long hours.
Read moreYour baby is still quite young. For me, I can't bear to see my baby cry for so long. There is no right or wrong answer for this I would say. These are just different parenting methods. If you are uncomfortable, better to talk to your husband and find a different strategy that both of you agree on.. You might want to check out this article: https://sg.theasianparent.com/will-it-hurt-to-let-your-baby-cry-at-night/?utm_source=question&utm_medium=recommended
Read moreYes. She is still young. That is why I feel my hubby is not right to do the training now. Heartbreaking to see her cry till cough and choke a few times before she stop. Nearly quarrel over this thing everytime my baby start cranky and cry. I am the one who will carry her walk around my house, sing song and pat her for 1hr plus before putting her down her bed. But sometimes when put down , she start crying again. I will repeat the same thing till she sleep soundly. It is stressful when me and hubby have different opinion on our parenting method.
Your husband is 100% wrong. Your baby is still so young and doesn't need any training. She needs to know she is in a safe place and you need to provide her safety feeling and comfort. A lot of cuddles can actually promote healthy brain growth, there's a lot of research on that. Doctors would advise to give as much skin on skin as possible to help baby grow. Plus unnecessary stress at such a young age would have adverse effect on the baby for sure!
Read moreI agree with you but my hubby is stubborn and insist on his principles :(
You can't just let the new born cry non stop like this. There must be a reason. Pick him up and see ifbhe stops crying. If not, baby may be unwell. We can't spoil a baby and research says so too. It is impt to build the trust and security between u and the child that when he is in need, you are there
Read moreThe moment I carry her, she stop crying. Put down cry immediately. Everytime the same so I dont think she is not well but just want hug and cradle.
There must be a reason for crying. Have u check if your baby is having colic? The longer they cry, the more air is introduced in their tummy. This will cause more discomfort. U can cry to comfort them till they stop and try putting down again.
Nono... My husband also have this mindset he likes to hear ppl say. Now my LO still young. My LO this week also 7 weeks old. Somemore this is my first child, he likes to be carried and sleep if put him on bed he starts to cry.
Yes very heartbreaking. Just had a quarrel with him again on this yesterday. He is damn stubborn. How a normal mum will be able to see their own baby cry in front of them non stop and dont do anything?
7weeks is still so young. The world is so foreign n scary to them. Do explain to your Husband. Training can come later when baby understands logic. Give the baby as much love as possible
I wish my hubby is not so practical and understand our baby is still young. I also told him now baby have no memory not the right time to train.She still need hug and warm to feel secure. Nearly quarrel everytime over this.
Did you give her swaddle? It helps for mine 1st girl. Or get a cradle but try not to yao.
Ya... I think if all else fails, think carrying can.. Cos maybe baby yearning for baobao..
Put the baby in a pram and push around. May help stop crying
Ohhh my. Not so good to leave baby crying for long..