hi, may i know wat simptom of baby boy ?is it if not experience morning sickness?pls share ur opinion mommies.. tq

im 34weeks and dr said im having a boy. what i see is that i am sensitive to smell,i hate makeups or even bother to make myself look nice,i hate being around my partner or boys,im more attracted to my niece and my niece loves playing with me compare to my nephew. my nephew said he want a baby brother,i love spicy and sour food. and all of a sudden,my favourite food is no longer my favourite food instead my partner favourite food is my favourite. my mom and nurse says im carrying a boy because my belly is bujur.its said that bujur means boy and bulat means girl.but these has no scientific explanations to it. morning sickness has nothing to do with baby.its just ur hormones and how ur body reacts to sudden hormonal changes.some very lucky not even having morning sickness while some suffers throughout their whole pregnancy.if u want u can go for blood test to detect down syndrom which also can detect the baby gender.or u can also wait till the baby's position just right to see the gender.hope these can clarify what u are looking for.😊
Baca lagiSometimes simptom not same but for me if boy i really like to eat n no morning sickness but if girl i have bad morning sickness n now i carry my 4th child n my second bby girl🤣🤣🤣 7 month preggy i have 2 boy 2 girl
m now pregnant with my 2nd boy.. i do experience morning sickness on the 1st trimester.. losing appetite as well.. 😅
For me I don't trust these symptoms at all. 😁😅
for me, not much morning sickness, only cold feet always.
i dont have morning sickness 😂