Mummies who decided to wait instead of induce
Hi, may I know if there are mummies who actually decided to wait to go into labour naturally instead of getting induced? Pls share your experience.. Were there any complications? Did you regret anything? Any advice for me? I want to wait it out but at the same time worried :( 41 weeks now.

If I’m not wrong, for sg is 41 weeks. My gynae allowed me to wait for baby to come naturally (past EDD) but at 40+ weeks my amniotic fluid wasn’t enough hence I had to induce (my baby is considered small I guess, she’s 2.8kg on scans, 2.6KG at birth). Your gynae should be able to advise you, but I think as long as baby don’t starts eating their poop/cord entwined, fluid enough, weight acceptable then wait for baby. My induce process was smooth (entire process from admission till labour was 6 hours).
Read moreI think most hospitals would only let mummies go until 40/41 weeks as the chances of getting complication or even still birth is there if the baby is inside for too long. Or baby might grow too big. My kkh gynae only let me go until my edd then i had to be induced but failed 3 times and ended up in emergency csect.
Read moreJust get induced, coz at 41 weeks your baby is not getting any nutrients from you anymore. So kinda pointless to wait. There might be other risks too, but sorry I forgot
the latest I waited was 40+5. I didn't want to go above as I have gdm. baby born weighing 3.9kg no epidural nature birth.