Nervous for induce

Going to get induced since baby doesnt wanna come out yet. Im 40+5 tmr and no signs yet. As of right now im still contemplating if i should go ahead with induce or just wait a lil bit more. My 40 week check up doc said everyth was fine just that they are worried about the increased risk of complications if the baby gets too big. But according to scan, the size of baby is not even big. This is my 3rd pregnancy.. first 2 were normal not induced. Need advice pls..

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Best to also let gynae decide if baby normal all fine may want to wait till week 41. Cause i duce super painful and mine end up in e-csect 🥹🥹 47hrs of painful labor. I felt like if i waited till week 41, baby might come out naturally instead of induced

1y ago

47 hours was without epidural when you were induce and waiting?

I was afraid of getting induced coz i read so many comments that its painful. So i talked to baby and told him i was scared n prefered contractions to come naturally. Indeed.. it came before i had to adnit

dont let them make you fearful of your condition. baby will come when your body is ready! otherwise keep moving and have healthy diet!

Not really advice but if I were to choose, I will not want to induce. Would prefer to just let baby come naturally 😬