11 Replies

Hi I am in the same situation except I have not been working for two years including during pregnancy period because I quit my job to move overseas with my husband. When I came back to Singapore Coz I was pregnant, my husband is still overseas serving his contract. My spouse allowance portion was taken away as I came back to Singapore alone. Finance is tight definitely. I used to earn a decent salary and actually even higher pay than husband. I quit everything for him to develop his career and now I am stuck tying to find a job back. Our new house needs to be renovated when my husband comes back next month and still need to pay mortgage. I am of course stressed trying to find a job and worrying not enough cash. There are a lot of adjustments you need to make. Before buying things I will always check carousel or online for Cheaper deals. I try to make some income selling things on carousel and selling Way preloved or unnecessary stuffs at home. I eat at home all day and hardly meet friends for gathering. Cannot spend money to buy pretty bags or clothes for myself so freely. Holding back on sending baby for lessons. Surely you can survive too.in fact I find myself saving more money these two years than when I was working. ( save from the online income and husband allowance to me). I become more frugal. At first I keel wanting to find a job back asap but now I can't bear to leave my 10mo baby. Money can always earn back and job can always find back. But you have to to realize that you may never find back a job with the same pay or benefits. Having the chance to spend time with your young kids is a rare opportunity and can't be measured with Money. You can also try to supplement income by finding a home based job :)

I can understand your predicament..... All working mothers have the same predicaments. Is having a live in helper an option? Since your other 2 kids are relatively bigger now.. the helper can focus on the youngest one. With live in helper, you need to manage them, and give clear instruction. And probably install a CCTV camera. Maybe you can sit down with the hubby and calculate whether having a live in helper will be financially better than if you have to quit and become a full time mom. The good thing about having live in helper, you can also get teach them to cook more nutritious simple food for the family.. Just an option to explore.. I am a full time working mother with 1 kid (of course cannot compare to your current situation with 3 kids) and have been having helpers since my son was 1 month old. Choosing a good helper can be tricky at first, but there are lots of good hardworking honest people that will do good job as helper. I have had 3 failed one and 3 really good ones so far.. All the best.. It will all work out...

it's only a year, money can be earned the year after .. enjoy yr sahmhood!:)

It will be tight but somehow we humans will be able to adapt to circumstances and work with what we have. Previously I was working too. I stopped working when I moved to Sg with my hb (was pregnant then). We used to go fancy dining and holidays often before I stopped working. Now, we cook at home most of the time. Holidays maybe once a year somewhere nearby. Instead of buying things full price, now I wait for sale to stock up and many things are bought online like Amazon, taobao, qoo10, carousel etc To me baby's health is definitely more important than a few years of lifestyle change. all the best to you.

Totally agree with u ! :)

I think u and husband have to go through the finances together and look at the places that u can make the cuts. As for ur mil bills, u can see if can drag longer payment, but if it is credit card bill - have to pay immediately in full caz the interest is too high. I think that just have to grit teeth and go thru the 1 year, it is after all only a year and then things will be better. I would recommend continue to try to look for a maid but u guys are not open to it anymore.

I might be in a different situation as I have only one child but decided to quit so that my child could be looked after with guidance since both me and my husband work irregular hours and its not healthy in the long run. We have just enough for us to spend and only eat restaurants once in a while and still managable even though husband's income is not stable. Hoped everything goes well for you!

i can understand that this will be a little tough time for you, especially because you will have to also take care of the financial part. i suggest you look for work from home options where you can make a decent income and also spend a lot of time with your babies.

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Same here... I have 3 kids also n it really very tight n my hubby income is not stable but I still choose not to work cause I wan to watch my kids 24/7 so no choice save whatever that can save

Do you all still have enough left every month to save after all the expenses from single income?

Look for a home based ad-hoc or freelance job. you may want to check out elance.com