I give up. My baby has been falling sick ever since he was enrolled in infant care when he was 7 months old. 3 months have passed and he has been falling sick and recover, then fall sick again etc. Really very heart pain. I feel like I've failed as a mom for allowing him to go through so much sickness but I have no choice, need to work as we are financially not able to have jus a sole breadwinner. Feeling very sad. Wonder if I should pull him out from infant care but I'll still be stuck with who to help me take care when I'm at work :(

Hi my heart goes out to you and baby. Have you tried giving baby probiotics or Childlife Colostrum? I have read reviews that the colostrum does help build some immunity for baby and as they get older after 1 year old feeding them sambucus does the same effect. I give my baby probiotics as recommended by PD but that's more for tummy health. Don't feel like a failure. Kids have to go through this nowadays if not now but later on when they go to playgroup. I think you should stay rational and continue to put him in CC until you find a better solution. In the long run they will all be exposed to such virus and bacteria so probably your boy will build up immunity faster than other kids. Maybe you can talk to the CC and tell hel this situation? Are they doing a good job of sanitizing the CC and checking temp to prevent sick children from going to CC? I don't Undrstand why parents with sick kids will allow them to go to school at all. Another alternative is look for a nanny but this can be hard and also quite costly these days. Take care!
Read moreIf some adjustments to ur lifestyle can afford one person to stay at home, maybe u can consider. However, it's v common for children to fail sick at the ifc or cc. if u think of it another way, ur child's immune system is having a good workout from falling sick and being immune to those stuff - which in the future when baby goes to playgroup or other play areas, it will still be the same and those who have been exposed before will fall sick less. Some people consider giving baby flu vaccine or probiotics/colostrum so those are also options that u can consider. Another possibility is finding a nany. Don't need to feel like a failed mum. A lot of pple also experience the same thing as most families are dual income families and not everyone got luxury of extended family to help. It's a long phase but it is a phase ;)
Read moreI feel you. I'm considering quitting. I see bb get well and then shortly after sick again and it affects her sleep too cos running nose or phelgm. I'm troubled by this and i think no matter how clean the ifc is, there are so many babies there, the germs will just spread. I can only console myself by thinking even staying home, it does not guarantee bb dont fall sick. Still I'm thinking to quit when i can.
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Can you consider switching infant care? I think the hygiene at different ifcs matter.