Wuhun virus

I have booked a trip to KL with my LO. Hubby asked me to cancel the flight for my LO. But if I were to cancel no one can help me look after my LO. All along it was taken care by my MIL, but she can’t take care of him during night time as she will feel giddy if she does not gets enough sleep. More over she will get agitated easily, what should I do ???? ): I really want my LO to go with me...

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Super Mum

Either hubby steps up to take care of your LO (he’s the father after all), or you’ll need to cancel your KL trip altogether.

if cannot find alternatives, cancel your trip maybe is the option to go

VIP Member

If its not urgent/important maybe cancel the trip?

VIP Member

Best to cancel your trip for now...

VIP Member

Best to cancel ur trip..