Accidentally hurt my LO while changing diapers

I have accidentally pinch my LO testicle with my fingernails while changing his diapers and leaving the skin surface a tiny red mark. He scream cry for about 2-3mins and manage to soothe him. Could I have hurt him in anyway more seriously? Do I need to bring him to the doctor?

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Hey, Please don't be too hard on yourself because of this. It was by mistake. Just give your baby lots of hugs and kisses and move on :) I don' think there would be any damages because of this

Super Mum

Unlikely to cause any permanent damage, but hope your little one’s alright. Hugs dear.. you didn’t mean it. Give him lots of hugs and kisses.

VIP Member

cut your fingernails if its too long, but dont worry dont be too hard on yourself

VIP Member

Should be fine but maybe trim your nails if they are long...Take care y'all!


indeed babies are not as fragile as we sometimes think

VIP Member

Babies have very good healing abilities one.

Cut fingernail is better