I finally gained the courage to embark on a new journey. Even though I don't know if anyone would watch and would want to listen to my story. I will be starting a Mental Health Vlog channel, the insights of my daily struggles. Being a mom, and finding myself. I hope to be able to help and inspire other moms who suffer from a mental condition like myself. With this said, I'm scared and unsure as well. Let's help one another to create awareness, to let everyone like ourselves know that we are not alone. If you are a mom, Please show me your support by following and liking my page. It would give me the courage. Please help me. This journey is also part of my healing process. I'll be happy to engage with anyone who is interested. Twitter Searching M3 Instagram Searching M3 Facebook Searching M3 https://www.facebook.com/SearchingM3/

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Dear, i would love to support you and your journey! Mentally healing is very difficult; not easy as it sounds. I am sure a lot of mommies and other people out there would be happy that theyre not facing their problems alone! Though, the link to your page is broken. Would you kindly update it? 🤗🤗 Do you have any mental illnesses?

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We should stand together and stay strong as a community

page not found whenever I click the link 🥺

VIP Member

I wish you all the best in your healing journey.

8y ago

Thank you Carla. Please do support me page =) it would give me a purpose in life.

Excellent idea!

VIP Member

All the best!

VIP Member
