No Motivation To Work After Confirming Pregnancy
Hi all, I don't know whether I am alone in this but I recently found out I'm pregnant with my first child and have been feeling so unmotivated to work. Like everything I do at work is nothing compared to having a baby in me. Did anyone ever feel this way?

Yes, you are not alone. Going to work was a chore for me too especially when the fatigue kicked in during 3rd trimester but I told myself that I need the paid maternity leave... That kept me going till I was 35 weeks. Then I took hospitalisation leave to rest at home till I gave birth at 37 weeks.
YES YES YES. Especially since we have been ttc for several years. Finally having a baby is definitely more motivational than work. But we all need to work for salary so gotta manage the expectations. Haha
Hihi I guess this is normal... Most importantly now WFH is making my feeling worst as bb is at home and bb have become my priority over work.. so tend to be more slacky abit
Thanks all! I was really down that day and seeing all your replies really helped. 💜 It's not so bad because the feeling comes and goes!
Yes it is normal to feel this way. But after a while, u will realise again that it is important to work so u can save up to give ur baby the best.
yup me too. but ive always think about the future and force myself to work. savings is important for your child, for yourself and your family :)
Hi dear, maybe your unbalance hormones contributes to this feeling. You can do it, don't worry much. You are blessed!
I feel very unmotivated too... but I need to get work done. Any mothers got suggestion on how to be motivated again?
Hey, Feeling like this is normal. But going to work also helps your mind refresh and focus as well.
yup! Fatigue is one of the main reason for me too. I'll get so tired mid-day even in 2nd trim.